x}Mn0>"8BjH#J{ R1qUg7o`TG{i$T-bh I'CMLWr$VUDWU9 hG)K*[@h[+7O1. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Proclaiming that 26% of Black respondents said it's "not OK . On the other issue John and Scott discussedpolarization and whether it is a bad thing (which BA presumes it to be) or a good thing, as Ezra Klein arguesas a political activist whos also a BA member, I ruminate about this contantly. The Unsung Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement, Documents in Detail: Henry Clay's Market Speech, https://www.google.com/books/edition/Two_Speeches_by_Frederick_Douglass/kiVfv4RbYcsC?hl=en&gbpv=0, Check out our collection of primary source readers. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In this session, you learn how to use the secrets of persuasion to influence and control the decision-making process. Now you have an opportunity to glimpse into their minds and uncover the best-kept secrets of the world's most powerful persuaders. - Learn to go one success step further I think Klein is right that big important things dont happen without ferment, heat, passion collective states of mind that we associate with polarization. Once we go beyond vague goals like I want a better life for my kids, things start diverging wildly. Website. 5 Disc CD set in case [Scott Moldenhauer] on Amazon.com. by Scott Moldenhauer Publication date 2010-01-31 The key to persuasion is the ability to influence the way that people think and make decisions. - Get our FREE videos at www.howtoconvincedocs.com The Destiny of America, Speech at the Dedication o An Address. - Learn more about our programs at (888) 878-3055 or info@persuasionconsultants.com Nothing but absolute necessity, shall, or ought to drive me to such a concession to slavery. Dred Scott, of Missouri, goes into slavery, but St. Louis declares for freedom. . Consultant, speaker, author specializing in pharma and biotech. The Hidden Power of Simplicity (Get Customers to Follow Through) I am willing to accept a judgment against slavery, whether supported by white or black reasonsthough I would much rather have it supported by both. <> I shall follow neither. Annual Reports 2022 March 4, 2022 To many, the prospects of the struggle against slavery seem far from cheering. We can appeal from this hell-black judgment of the Supreme Court, to the court of common sense and common humanity. 5 0 obj Now, as of old, the Redeemer must come from above, not from beneath. Many newspapers have ceased publication of the widely syndicated Dilbert strip. I know of no country where the conditions for affecting great changes in the settled order of things, for the development of right ideas of liberty and humanity, are more favorable than here in these United States. First, by discrediting and casting away as worthless the most [beneficent] rules of legal interpretation; by disregarding the plain and common sense reading of the instrument itself; by showing that the Constitution does not mean what it says, and says what it does not mean, by assuming that the WRITTEN Constitution is to be interpreted in the light of a SECRET and UNWRITTEN understanding of its framers, which understanding is declared to be in favor of slavery. The key to persuasion is the ability to influence the way that people think and make decisions. <> In the world as representation prevails Temporal Justice, and the State places limits on the individual self-centeredness. I base my sense of the certain overthrow of slavery, in part, upon the nature of the American Government, the Constitution, the tendencies of the age, and the character of the American people; and this, notwithstanding the important decision of Judge Taney. #pharma #salestraining #salescoaching, How to Close in a Way That Works for Physicians (Coach This Tip) While men thus respect law, it becomes a serious matter so to interpret the law as to make it operate against liberty. It is no evidence that the Bible is a bad book, because those who profess to believe the Bible are bad. ", What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?. <> I dont think we do. This infamous decision of the Slaveholding wing of the Supreme Court maintains that slaves are within the contemplation of the Constitution of the United States, property; that slaves are property in the same sense that horses, sheep, and swine are property; that the old doctrine that slavery is a creature of local law is false; that the right of the slaveholder to his slave does not depend upon the local law, but is secured wherever the Constitution of the United States extends; that Congress has no right to prohibit slavery anywhere; that slavery may go in safety anywhere under the star-spangled banner; that colored persons of African descent have no rights that white men are bound to respect; that colored men of African descent are not and cannot be citizens of the United States. Closing is a difficult skill to master. It is not for us to be governed by our hopes or our fears in this great work; yet it is natural on occasions like this, to survey the position of the great struggle which is going on between slavery and freedom, and to dwell upon such signs of encouragement as may have been lately developed, and the state of feeling these signs or events have occasioned in us and among the people generally. xWmo6nbaHQ$ 0Ib&8N/Mxx-ie"=w$Gh2~^~QGIY{~~EpDE$L,!W+3rWhy93&PX1W&CYebxJVGv8TVz&3R26RD(+ErS&WoS}?##*{2W-MQ=n_{t2&1^zW44`T'EMVYr|N:X3x1G>+X)0oo+"n%np+H?ew,`c1#RcW'Y)7F?8ip'F$\MRMM+@C0d@ c $wy }^ ]KD /EP%\!aTA(\i f;Dq8m{W"QXs*d\I]k!deO:Udqu>t.-2m3M^pif'; Goodreads 4.16 stars avg. The cries of the slave have gone forth to the world, and up to the throne of God. It has laid down rules of interpretation which are in harmony with the true idea and object of law and liberty. endobj Persuasion can be a powerful force that affects the decisions and actions that people take. Communities need their members to act in a . Learn why one small change can make a big difference Assess the effectiveness of your approach Coach the right way to plan. This is Judge Taneys argument, and it is Mr. Garrisons argument, but it is not the argument of the Constitution. Scott E Moldenhauer is a resident of FL. - Learn more about our programs at (888) 878-3055 or info@persuasionconsultants.com - Learn more about our Asking Better Questions Program at (888) 878-3055 or info@persuasionconsultants.com Scott Moldenhauer is President of Persuasion Consultants LLC, a pharmaceutical training and consulting firm. In Maximum Influence, you will learn why each law works, how to use each one, and what to avoid in carrying it out. The law of expectation. Washington only spoke the sentiment of his times. %PDF-1.4 17 0 obj When I admit that slavery is constitutional, I must see slavery recognized in the Constitution. When you study the most successful people in the world, you will discover that they all have one thing in common: an extraordinary ability to sell an persuade. 2 0 obj The Malakoff was, to the eye of the world, impregnable, till the hour it fell before the shot and shell of the allied army. The time may come when even the crushed worm may turn under the tyrants feet. Our Core Document Collection allows students to read history in the words of those who made it. When great transactions are involved, where the fate of millions is concerned, where a long enslaved and suffering people are to be delivered, I am superstitious enough to believe that the finger of the Almighty may be seen bringing good out of evil, and making the wrath of man redound to his honor, hastening the triumph of righteousness. I admit it, and am prepared to show that what is expedient in this instance is right. But in telling us that we shall cease to be responsible for slavery by dissolving the Union, he and they have not told us the truth. But of that time I can know nothing, and you can know nothing. You will readily ask me how I am affected by this devilish decisionthis judicial incarnation of wolfishness? 18 0 obj It is an open rebellion against Gods government. 35 0 obj Good and wholesome laws are often found dead on the statute book. I have an abiding conviction founded upon long and careful study of the certain effects of slavery upon the moral sense of slaveholding communities, that if the slaves are ever delivered from bondage, the power will emanate from the free States. Yes, that is a good motto, but I deny that it would be doing justice to the slave to dissolve the Union and leave the slave in his chains to get out by the clemency of his master, or the strength of his arms. Scott Moldenhauer's Phone Number and Email. But I will not content myself with mere denunciation; I invite attention to the facts. Hi. Uncategorized / By moldenhauer2244. What is Scott Moldenhauer's HQ phone number? In 1780, that denomination said: "The Conference acknowledges that slavery is contrary to the laws of God, man, and nature, and hurtful to societycontrary to the dictates of conscience and true religion, and doing to others that we would not do unto us." 19 0 obj Speech to the U.S. House of Representatives. The argument here is, that the Constitution comes down to us from a slaveholding period and a slaveholding people; and that, therefore, we are bound to suppose that the Constitution recognizes colored persons of African descent, the victims of slavery at that time, as debarred forever from all participation in the benefit of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, although the plain reading of both includes them in their [beneficent] range. 'This crime among the Jews exposed the perpetrators of it to capital punishment.' More recently, social justice thinkers on the Left have been talking about going hard on structures, soft on people, which is a MLK-esque concept I like. "Do justice, though the heavens fall." Sir, let us look at the other side, and see if there are not some things to cheer our heart and nerve us up anew in the good work of emancipation. stream Now you have an opportunity to glimpse into their minds and uncover the best-kept secrets of the world's most powerful persuaders. In 1785, it spoke even more stringently on the subject. We must understand that we are in a global world and cooperation is the only solution. Take this factfor it is a factthe anti-slavery movement has, from first to last, suffered no abatement. endobj Jefferson said that he trembled for his country when he reflected that God is just, and his justice cannot sleep forever. Neither is there anything in the Constitution standing alone, which would imply the existence of slavery in this country. endobj May 6, 2020. But it is too clear for dispute that the enslaved African race were not intended to be included, and formed no part of the people who framed and adopted this declaration; for if the language, as understood in that day, would embrace them, the conduct of the distinguished men who framed the Declaration of Independence would have been utterly and flagrantly inconsistent with the principles they asserted; and instead of the sympathy of mankind, to which they appealed, they would have deserved and received universal rebuke and reprobation. Some were shot, some hanged, some burned, and some died under the lash. The whole history of the anti-slavery movement is studded with proof that all measures devised and executed with a view to ally and diminish the anti-slavery agitation, have only served to increase, intensify, and embolden that agitation. It may, however, be asked, if the Constitution were so framed that the rights of all the people were naturally protected by it, how happens it that a large part of the people have been held in slavery ever since its adoption? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Join the Braver Angels email list to get updates on our work, find events near you, and learn how to get involved. I have a quarrel with those who fling the Supreme Law of this land between the slave and freedom. My business would be to remain on board, and while I never would perform a single act of piracy again, I should exhaust every means given me by my position, to save the lives and liberties of those against whom I had committed piracy. Anyone who is like me and values professional insight on sales and persuasion should listen to these podcasts because the topics that are covered throughout touch on the most important topics to business success and can help drive you towards the ultimate goal that any business person should have, MAKING THE SALE. The church of a country is often a better index of the state of opinion and feeling than is even the government itself. It has gone forth in all directions, and is now felt in the remotest extremities of the Republic. endobj Persuasion experts know how to make others open to their suggestions and recommendations. It is an attempt to undo what Goddone, to blot out the broad distinction instituted by the Allwise between men and things, and to change the image and superscription of the everliving God into a speechless piece of merchandise. Not sure which email that was? - Learn more about our programs at (888) 878-3055 or info@persuasionconsultants.com This was so in the execution of that thrice accursed Fugitive Slave Bill. out of 5; Available at Cloud and Leaf Bookstore in Manzanita, Tillamook County Library and most booksellers. Persuasive messages are symbolic (using words, images, and sounds) and may be transmitted verbally or nonverbally, via media or face-to-face communication. Planning can make a big difference, especially if you use this trick. 2 episodes How to use the new psychology of selling to make an immediate impact. In this session, you learn how to use the secrets of persuasion to influence and control the decision-making process. Just fifteen years afterwards, it was settled again by voting down the right of petition, and gagging down free discussion in Congress. Many who have engaged to put it down, have found themselves put down. 5 0 obj Better yet, I got to challenge Scott to sharpen our own understanding of how to bring Americans together. endobj They are solemn warnings to which the white people, as well as the black people, should take heed. Your fathers have said that mans right to liberty is self-evident. <> The dissolution of the Union would not give the North one single additional advantage over slavery to the people of the North, but would manifestly take from them many which they now certainly possess. Your email address will not be published. . View Scott Moldenhauer's business profile as President at Persuasion Consultants. He received seven hundred and fifty lashes, and his noble spirit went away to the God who gave it. This is one view. Slavery was so weak, and liberty so strong, that free speech could attack the monster to its teeth. Today's pharmaceutical representatives face more challenges than ever before. #pharma #closing #salestraining #salescoaching, How to Make Closing Comfortable (Coach This Tip) It may be said that this demonstration in St. Louis is not to be taken as an evidence of sympathy with the slave; that it is purely a white man's victory. The pathway of tyrants lies over volcanoes; The very air they breathe is heavy with sorrows; Agonizing heart-throbs convulse them while sleeping. This opinion, at that time, was fixed and universal with the civilized portion of the white race. The white mans liberty has been marked out for the same grave with the black mans. There is nothing in the present aspect of the anti-slavery question which should drive us into the extravagance and nonsense of advocating a dissolution of the American Union as a means of overthrowing slavery, or freeing the North from the malign influence of slavery upon the morals of the Northern people. Slavery lives in this country not because of any paper Constitution, but in the moral blindness of the American people, who persuade themselves that they are safe, though the rights of others may be struck down. This article aims to draw the reader's attention We have been guilty of the same sin. - Get our FREE videos at www.howtoconvincedocs.com Now you have an opportunity to glimpse into their minds and uncover the best-kept secrets of the world's most . With these ancient tokens of success, I, for one, will not despair of our cause. Scott Moldenhauer's HQ phone number is (888) 878-3055. So in all his deals there is a winner and a loser. It literally had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. endobj - Get our FREE videos at www.howtoconvincedocs.com Were fixing our remote recording setup. Scott Moldenhauer is President of Persuasion Consultants LLC, a pharmaceutical training and consulting firm. endobj It may be said that it is quite true that the Constitution was designed to secure the blessings of liberty and justice to the people who made it, and to the posterity of the people who made it, but was never designed to do any such thing for the colored people of African descent. The American people have been called upon, in a most striking manner, to abolish and put away forever the system of slavery. Six objects are here declared, "Union," "defence," "welfare," "tranquility," and "justice," and "liberty.". [Apologies for some audio issues in this recording! The slaveholders impudently use his name for the base purpose of giving respectability to slavery. stream I admit it. I own my own business and I have trouble with understanding why my marketing tactics do not work and these podcasts hit on almost every point that should be covered regarding the psychology of persuasion and useful persuasion tactics. Click Next and submit a support request below. Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. - Learn more about our programs at (888) 878-3055 or info@persuasionconsultants.com The slaveholders of the South, and many of their wicked allies at the North, claim the Bible for slavery; shall we, therefore, fling the Bible away as a pro-slavery book? The name of this hero has been by the meanness of tyrants suppressed. I found this content to be extremely helpful and insightful. arkiver2 The subject has been pressed upon their attention in all earnestness and sincerity. My vision of the good life is so different from most Reds (and most Blues) that I find most (but not all) dialogues to spin out for lack of a shared foundation. It has told us where rights are infringed, where fundamental principles are overthrown, where the general system of the law is departed from, the Legislative intention must be expressed with irresistible clearness, to induce a court of justice to suppose a design to effect such objects. In 1850 it was again settled. Judge Taney can do many things, but he cannot perform impossibilities. This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). XXf]qTj / *_2IgGj6:=`S=XI`J1e|9Xl n0S+k'\` 'J2q]))QF'o)>8f[<2%nI{(LZE(]~D*,M|6H\"_lbss"ln}Q(s\-Vs;m)7WIUcFWfMZhzzuV}:QsydVH(@+py-s7x:ZQX-c#)[po[t(]EWf=.Bdf`,lj.\B0n;.`Z`tC)$'Wr 1 Zch_r<5/JY4aa\Xtjsmib_ Scott Moldenhauer's role at PERSUASION CONSULTANTS, LLC is President. 'To steal a freeman,' says Grotius, 'is the highest kind of theft.' It was his before he comprehended it. This belief that love can transcend our differences is a belief that yet binds many Christians and non-Christians alike. The Supreme Court has, in its day, done something better than make slaveholding decisions. 22 0 obj The ballot box is desecrated, Gods law set at nought, armed legislators stalk the halls of Congress, freedom of speech is beaten down in the Senate. The first stood longer than any of its successors. The law of obligation. endobj One Southern city has grieved and astonished the whole South by a preference for freedom. What do you do with the customer who says he is going to follow through (but never does)? If I felt the Union to be a curse, I should not be far behind the very chiefest of the disunion Abolitionists in denouncing it. He, too, may learn to fight the devil with fire, and for one, I am in no frame of mind to pray that this may be long deferred. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> on the Internet. Exodus, xxi, 15.And the apostle here classes them with sinners of the first rank. Do you like being asked the same annoying question over and over for x minutes, until it's reworded and asked again? All that is merciful and just, on earth and in Heaven, will execrate and despise this edict of Taney. 20 0 obj The Best Kekpt Persuasion Secrets of Great Communicators - Fast and Easy Techniques for Persuading Anyone! Looking for a way to immediately make your sales messages more powerful? We may condemn the practice under them and against them, but never the law itself. Scott Moldenhauer's business email address is s**@persuasionconsultants.com. They are organized; and yet were not at the pains of creating their organizations. II.1. v8Kl?='v>>! 7>\!\.h1&P)X& The wedge has entered. The Northern California cartoonist's "Dilbert" comic strip, long one of the most popular in the country and appearing in more than 2,000 newspapers at its peak, all but vanished by . Amid all changes, fluctuations, assaults, and adverses of every kind, it has remained firm in its purpose, steady in its aim, onward and upward, defying all opposition, and never losing a single battle. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Scott Moldenhauer's email address is s**@persuasionconsultants.com. Politicians who cursed it, now defend it; ministers, once dumb, now speak in its praise; and presses, which once flamed with hot denunciations against it, now surround the sacred cause as by a wall of living fire. In the light of these facts, the Constitution was framed, and framed in conformity to it. with the aim of discovering the laws of persuasive communications in laboratory settings. Twenty or thirty of the suspected were put to death. Thus hath it ever been. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. John Wood, Jr. John Wood Jr. is a national leader for Braver Angels, a former nominee for congress, former Vice-Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County, musical artist and a noted writer and speaker on subjects including racial and political reconciliation. Author: scott moldenhauer Created Date: Will he find it in the declaration that the Constitution was established to secure the blessing of liberty? Arthur Schopenhauer analyzed Law and Justice under his principle of two dimensions of the world: 'will and representation'. One brave man owned himself well acquainted with the conspiracy, but said he would rather die than disclose the facts. In addition to his training and consulting experience, Scott taught communication and persuasion at the University of Arizona. He bases his approach on zero sum in all his dealings. Come what will, I hold it to be morally certain that, sooner or later, by fair means or foul means, in quiet or in tumult, in peace or in blood, in judgment or in mercy, slavery is doomed to cease out of this otherwise goodly land, and liberty is destined to become the settled law of this Republic. Judge Taney lays down this system of interpreting in this wise: "The general words above quoted would seem to embrace the whole human family, and, if they were used in a similar instrument at this day, would be so understood. <> If you sell for a living, you will want to check out this interview with the authors of the Challenger Sale. The rivers and highways are infested by border ruffians, and white men are made to feel the iron heel of slavery. But the evil to be met and abolished is not in the Union. National welfare, national prosperity, national reputation and honor, and national scrutiny; common rights, common duties, and common country, are so many bridges over which we can march to the destruction of slavery. Besides there is another rule of law as well of common sense, which requires us to look to the ends for which a law is made, and to construe its details in harmony with the ends sought. 10 0 obj <> Do you like commercial interruptions of this insidious interrogation, advertising the podcast host's book? #virtualselling #hybridselling. Discover what we offer at (888) 878-3055. The law of contract. x]Y%qVZF9n5 0% y 5"3/b-_-(}7$}}/~Ob~ww]d]{u7:'~ x]~v=}cw78m7x/w=io4kXCH{5Si|PUQMhvw>g :ll(V{z|.:E;EoPvVoz~Vuy$~o]N?>M^:}PzNCa6gE]f-qfz|`Mm? In this session, you learn how to use the secrets of persuasion to influence and control the decision-making process. Man was born with it. Those who enslave, rob, and torment their cooks, may well expect to find death in their dinner-pots. The War With Mexico: Speech in the United States H What Are the Colored People Doing for Themselves? It is very great, but the Supreme Court of the Almighty is greater. This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. Adams' implosion began last Wednesday when he cited a Rasmussen survey that dealt with the phrase, "It's OK to be White.". It is not in changing the dead form of the Union, that slavery is to be abolished in this country. Also, please click here to see a full list of more specific volunteer opportunities. - Get our FREE videos at www.howtoconvincedocs.com Scott Moldenhauer Consultant, speaker, author specializing in pharma and biotech. It then said: "We hold in the deepest abhorrence the practice of slavery, and shall not cease to seek its destruction by all wise and proper means.". There are no reviews yet. 2023 Bloomington mayoral primary: Susan Sandberg B Square Beacon. My answer is, and no thanks to the slaveholding wing of the Supreme Court, my hopes were never brighter than now. I know of no soil better adapted to the growth of reform than American soil. Custom Videos People love our how-to videos. In one view the slaveholders have a decided advantage over all opposition. Scott Moldenhauer is the President at Persuasion Consultants based in Orlando, Florida. A powerful force that affects the decisions and actions that people think make. `` do justice, and framed in conformity to it whole South by a preference for freedom the cries the! Changing the dead form of the world 's most powerful persuaders been marked out the. Judge Taneys argument, but St. Louis declares for freedom selling to make immediate. Core Document Collection allows students to read history in the light of these,... Jefferson said that mans right to liberty is self-evident said that he trembled for his country when he that. 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