They are not far away. 2008 redeem team starting 5; Begin with the Muslim brotherhood and the terrorist groups. Jesus Sad. These Miracles will defy all human reasoning, scientific knowledge and experience. However, there will be much confusion afterwards, as many people will not know the direction that Heaven wants earth to take. So, although Pope Francis may be saved in the end, satan is still finding a way to bring about his totally evil plans to subjugate all of mankind. I would make it the greatest force in world peace. I believe that this will be made possible by a vision to those living at the refuges, but I leave it ultimately up to God as to how exactly He desires to provide these special graces. The fact is, Our Heavenly Father has the best Divine Plan for all of us, but in order to fully realize that Plan, we need to have simple faith and trust. Centuries ago, the Father intervened on their behalf and sent Me, hoping that all Israel would proclaim Me as Messiah. And so, I conclude by asking you to re-read this heavenly message that was given by the Blessed Mother recently to visionary, Ned Dougherty, again. around every place that commits abortion or euthanasia. My confusion lies in the difference in these terms. Immaculate Mary is truly the Most Beloved Spouse of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity. Truly, this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, would not be surviving today without the generous acts of love and simple prayer from many kind people. Because God knows the future and all the abuses we make due to his gift of free will and yet, Jesus and His Beloved Father continue to love us all despite our hateful acts? Last week, I had posted some information on the forthcoming documentary, And well, some of the testimonials addressed the fact of the lack of faith within the Catholic Church. During the early 80s he served as a confessor to Vicka and while Fr. Then came the saddest time of all. At the Coronation of Our Blessed Mother Mary in Heaven, another unique, special, holy ceremony took place. Here is Your Invitation To Explore the New Website for Visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, of Our Lady of Emmitsburg, Life-Saving Video - GOD will Heal People who took the Covid-19 vaccines, SHOCKING GRAPHENE OXIDE PARTS I AND II God Reveals The Truth (includes scientific evidence) All Covid-19 vaccines are DEADLY POISONS that are the PRECURSOR to the mark of the beast, Visit my Brighteon Channel for many unique prophecy videos:, Healing for Vaccinated People Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal Compiled By a soul, IMPORTANT MESSAGE Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN (Recipe), Announcement The movie, Garabandal, Only God Knows, online free of charge beginning on May 31, 2020, DISCLAIMER: This website and blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly known as MaryRefugeOfHolyLove), is not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministries (HLM). And so, movies such as The Vatican Deception are very important for getting the message out to everyone on Heavens Plans and motivations for mankind. Children, you will all work to rebuild the world after the purification and cleansing. (June 27, 2020, Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus). Then, as further confirmation by Heaven, the Blessed Mother Mary appeared to young, naive, pleasant girl, St Bernadette Soubirous, at Lourdes, France, revealing the profound theological concept, I am the Immaculate Conception. This next fact is important for people to understand. A Great Chastisement, the likes of which has not been witnessed since the time of Noah, will be unleashed by God the Eternal Father. Now, there are certain important things that I want to share with you all, my dearly beloved followers of MaryRefugeOfSouls. And so, those are my simple reflections about the Great Chastisement. The separation of the Remnant Faithful from the world into refuges is definitely part of Gods Divine Plan for the safety of his chosen ones (the grand Exodus of the End Times). And, in particular, Christians will not know which denomination is the True Faith. Heaven gave permission for Catholic seer, Valentina Papagna (, to release on the 2020 Feast of the Transfiguration, a message that she received from the Blessed Mother Mary and Her Divine Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, almost 29 years ago (November 23, 1991). Meanwhile, the 1960s witnessed apparitions of Our Lady at Garabandal, Spain. I do not want a nuclear war. around the sick in the world and around all the dying in the world; around all the elderly and abandoned in the world. Lord, I talked with the person you asked me to call and she asked me about the page on the website and what it is to be called. This is why it is so important to get rid of all technology, because the eyes of the antichrist are hypnotic, causing people to lose their salvation by making them worship satan. Many good things will evolve as a result of The Warning. Armaments will be limited. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Exploring the ways faith effects our lives., Jesus said: My people, the division in My Church will start before the Warning experience comes. The impressions of Fr. Because I want to be fair and translating a book is a hard job, especially, under time restraints; Two, I would like to give a little incentive pay for the two gentlemen whom I am collaborating with on this third book. However, when the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) takes place, all six Medjugorje visionaries and the main seer at Garabandal, Conchita, will experience the Three Days of Darkness as fully possible in their spiritual bodies with heightened awareness and all. You, my daughter will herald my arrival and many will fall on the ground and weep with relief, love and joy in ecstasy. Now, I have written about this before, but this is very important so it bears repeating by me. The declarations of the visionaries leave no doubt, in those who believe in the apparitions of Medjugorje, that at least the last four secrets will have to do with very serious events. The secrets of Medjugorje are about to be revealed to the world, and they will change the way we see the world forever. So, except for God being an Eternal Being, in every other way, the Blessed Virgin Mary Is Perfect like God., After The Great Warning Understanding Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje Then, after the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981, it is believed that this great Marian pope prayed to Our Lady of Fatima for help for the entire human family. Meanwhile, as I indicated, this past March 2018, Heaven told me certain prophecies about Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, that I have had to keep private to myself because they are so explosive. Such were my feelings last night in prayer. Papa welcomes us as He asks that we turn to the Divine Light of His Son, Jesus Christ, found in the Catholic Church established by His Son. The period between the Warning and the Miracle of Garabandal will be critical to the future of mankind, as the six Medjugorje visionaries and Conchita of Garabandal will be testifying on the Great Chastisement (Tenth Secret of Medjugorje), which they will have witnessed during the Warning. So, Papa God can make adjustments to the Divine Plan as need be due to prayer, sacrifice, and free will. Finally, when the father of the bridegroom decided that all was in order, he would have his servants start putting together the things needed. I didnt realize I needed to provide a name for this. All of this has been an unexpected and unmerited grace for me. The time is fast approaching when all communication must cease due to monitoring. Papa God fully knows the future and all the variables and repercussions due to every choice that each man and woman make. Please understand that mankinds time on earth can be broken up into blocks of time. Also, Holy Mother Mary revealed the chosen name of the future pope reigning during the next terrible world war and that a strange light would illuminate the sky warning of the world war if Her words were not heeded. God the Father gave a special message to everyone at a public apparition and it was the first time that His Patriarchal Blessing was given to the crowd. However, in the Garden of Eden, at the moment that Eve called Adam to join her at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil when the Fall of Adam and Eve (Original Sin) was about to happen it is written in private revelation that the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity (Jesus Christ) descended in His Spirit to earth. But, they did not listen, and sadly, the ante keeps getting raised higher and higher, the more the Church delays on the Consecration. My Church and my Jewish people will be joined as I have wanted them to be for centuries. Help me bring peace to this peaceless world, one which is walking away from God, its true lover. Otherwise, the holy object would have been lost or destroyed as Jacob was to meet the next day with his twin brother, Esau, who was the firstborn son of Isaac, and whom the Blessing of God as his birthright was sold to Jacob for a bowl of lentils. Those who survive will rebuild My church on earth. Because the little ones stand before God with their arms upraised in intercession. The question is, But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Gospel of Luke, Chapter 18, Verse 8). Important Commentary (Covid) Vaccinations and the Mark of the Beast By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls Truly, the more that I learn about Russian politics and history, the more obvious it is that Russia needs to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for real lasting world peace. Many, sadly will perish, but not for lack of guidance and direction., My children were created with the gift of free will. The father of the bridegroom was expected to pay the bride price (mohar) to the brides family, along with bridal gifts (mattan). The practicing soldiers will be led by St Raphael Archangel and will assist with evangelizing the Gospel and have healing gifts. And finally, I know that people may be wondering about the unveiling of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal and the Ten Secrets of Our Lady of Medjugorje. In Sacred Scriptures, a day equals 1,000 years to the Lord. To which, Jesus responded that, the date of The Warning had been postponed due to the intercession of His Holy Mother so the American people could have more time to settle their differences regarding the U.S. presidential election. This glorious secret of Gods Plan began to unfold in the 13th century when St Dominic de Guzmn was given the Rosary for people to pray for Holy Marys heavenly intercession. I am so appreciative for everyone who prays for me and the success of this blog, because I do experience spiritual warfare and mr. ugly does not especially like what I said in this blog post. Very few people prayed to God for help and I was shocked as no one said things like God help me or God save me like they did at the Miracle of Fatima. Then, as an universal seal of approval, God confirmed ALL the words and prophecies given by the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal, as worthy of belief. The lay people had rallied to become defenders of the Eucharist because they understood that the adversaries wanted to kill or intimidate Catholic priests because only a priest can offer mass and consecrate the Eucharist. They will be the backup support at the refuges, predominantly, involved in praying for graces for those on the battlefield and educating the masses of people in the Christian faith at the refuges. It will be very intense and, honestly, very frightening for them. They will be attending to the sick and dying, as well as help rescue people, bringing them to the safety of the refuges. I say this, not to be callous or rude, but just to be honest. However, it is the hope of Our Heavenly Father that the subsequent Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal, which will happen within a year of the Warning in the Springtime, will help mankind to understand the desires of Heaven. When injustices take place, they are permitted for different reasons, but the main one stems from the need for purification. Then 40 days of peace for each soul to make their decision for or against God. This is the confusion that Satan wants to cause so that those genuine messengers of mine go unnoticed. This was not just a simple one-time encounter between St. Gabriel, me, and satan. You walk in Me and I in you. I was given much details about the Great Miracle of Garabandal and I know the exact nature of the Great Sign of Garabandal which will be left in the Pines. For Satans powerful influence will not be allowed to retain its vice-like grip on mankind. Is there even one who would lead the world according to heavens light? Thank You Lord that You will what is best and is beyond your dreams for Your children for we would die without Your protection and restoration and renewal. My dearest daughter, you must always trust in Me and know that not one single Message given to you will ever be contaminated. So, that is a good thing. Just as each of you grow spiritually by reading what I write, I, too, grow spiritually, every time that I write something. Think of it like this. has started giving public messages again after many years of silence, during Lent 2018, which I shared on this blog. Jesus also provides the parable of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom in the night as an example of His Return. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. Note, the Miracle and Sign will take place at multiple locations Marian apparition sites, on earth. In ancient Jewish tradition, the ribs of a person is the same as a persons spiritual heart. And finally, I want to reveal that I am working on a third book with a couple of co-collaborators. These changes are more signs that My Warning is coming soon, and the tribulation will follow after. Mirjana must follow the instructions of Our Lady given to her previously regarding the unveiling of the dates of the Ten Secrets and their contents to mankind. You cannot be at peace without Me. So, it is very easy to conclude that after the Great Warning, that the antichrist, and other minions of satan, such as the elite globalists/masonic forces, and Islamic terrorists, will be seeking the ultimate demise of the site of Medjugorje, because of what Medjugorje will come to represent to the worldthe source of reconciliation between mankind and Godafter the Warning happens. And so, movies such as. Put your families first, before everything. For many, they will be full of love and happiness, for this is a wonderful reunion. In Fall 2015, when I wrote a commentary about the failed prophecy of worldwide economic collapse, I said that it was such a blessing that prayers had been answered. I must share with you all, though, that I do not believe that the Warning has been postponed for a long duration. Peace will then spread from Jerusalem (known as the City of Peace) outward to the rest of the nations, as Jerusalem will become reestablished as the Eternal Seat of Gods Kingdom on earth (it will no longer be Rome, the Vatican). I was actually confused by what I was reading. All of this is due to Her free will Yes (Fiat) at the Annunciation when Her Immaculate Heart became sealed for all-eternity to the Most Sacred and Divine Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity. Many, many ecological disasters have been averted because of the devotion shown to My Blessed Mother. For others, they will find this a very difficult trial and many will reject My Hand of Love and Friendship. Prayer is requested for the seven visionaries so they can endure the shocking event in the spirit during the Warning. The Jewish people will enter the fold of the Catholic Church and all divisions between Israel and Christianity will be healed. and Tenth Secrets are Grave Chastisements from God for the sins of mankind. It is not the 3 Days of Darkness, which comes at the very end of the 3 and a half years of the Great Tribulation. Toggle Navigation Welcome, Bing [Bot] Profile; Messages 0; Notifications ; Account settings; Home; Forum . I saw an old man and a teenage girl disappear and their souls go under the altar, meaning they were martyred defending priests, the Holy Sacrifice of the mass, and the Eucharist. People did not even say Oh My God!. However, knowing all the different heightened ways that I was being attacked spiritually both during the encounter and in the subsequent months before I finally revealed these insights publicly on my blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove in April 2017 (Easter) truly, I do not understand how satan would gain in any substantial way by what I have publicly revealed. Also, I was told that the three remaining visionaries of Medjugorje who have only received the first 9 secrets, that during The Warning, they will receive the final 10th secret. I promised them a sign and vindicated their faith by the dance of the sun. Why is this? Great vision is needed because the devil believes that he is finally able to destroy the Church. Feb 24, 2023. Alright, so now, let me introduce my overall framework of End Time events leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus. And so, in January 2018, I first wrote a commentary about the Battle of Armageddon where I explained that this is an event that is not desirable for mankind. I could see clues and inconsistencies in the heavenly messages that I do believe inprimarily, Locutions To The World and the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), but I needed more Light, because I was spiritual blind to something that I just could not put my finger on. Never forget, My children, that many secrets given to My visionaries and seers, foretelling future events to come, have been mitigated through prayer. A year and a half later, I understand a little bit better why this information was given to me by Heaven, but even now, I continue to be very honestly, stunned by all of it. Whatever is Your will, Lord. All will be renewed, My child. Recently, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, revealed to Prophet John Leary (, that the apostasy of the Catholic Church starts before the Great Warning happens. They need your prayers. So, if you are called to live at a refuge, heed the call of your guardian angel and leave immediately with your loved ones for safety once it happenssometime after the six weeks of relative peace have passed after the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) has happened on Earth. And Jesus said in the message that many people have been confused by the placement of the Children of the Renewal messages on the other website, but it was become clearer over time how the messages are to be read and understood by others. I pray to Our Lady as Mary Refuge of Holy Love that the Truth and Light of Heaven be bestowed upon everyone who visits this website. My holy Catholic Church will be the one faith and all living in the Renewal will believe. The blessings bestowed on man who seeks forgiveness will be given to these peoples families. Please be on the lookout for it. And reading such things gave me pause, because how could these events happen if the Second Coming immediately follows the Three Days of Darkness? So many of you are blind to the plan which is being plotted behind your backs. Then, once the 6,000 years of evil on earth has concluded, mankind will enter into the great Era of Peace for the final 1,000 years of time. The leadership of the Church was called to faith and trust in God to avoid a greater and larger world war that would potentially break out. In closing, I want to take a moment to thank everyone who follows this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and those who pray for me, a soul. Have you tried your best in spite of shortcomings? I am never far away. Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 @ 20:40. I also want to speak briefly about another question that was asked of me about the Abomination of Desolation. No Science nor astronomers, no one can say that it is a planet or a star. for the ones who will not return to God, they will not see Me nor My Beloved Son. There will be a nuclear war, which will be stopped by the antichrist who will gain worldwide fame and notoriety as the peacemaker. Medjugorje: the seer Jacov reveals to us a secret given by the Madonna. The fact is, my beloved blog followers, Jesus and the Blessed Mother have a beautiful Plan set in motion to save the soul of Pope Francis, who is destined to become the false prophet without the Crusade Prayers being recited each day by believers. Had they done so, the history of the past bloody century of war, violence and grave misjudgments in sin would have been far different, for the better, and mankind would have already entered into the great Era of Peace. Papa. But, basically, what the Blessed Mother shared is that there will be a miraculous Cross in the sky and both the Blessed Mother and Jesus will be standing beneath the Cross. This Divine Fire of His Wrath generated as a consequence of Gods moral Character an aspect of His Divine Justice. To them I say this. It will be a time of great jubilation for all those who love God. Meanwhile, last year, during the weekend of August 6, 2017, there was a great prayer event held at Holy Love Ministries. I mean, honestly, who would want any of these things, especially, the gates of hell fully open on earth? In a previous vision, I saw that many clergy and lay people will accept these new doctrines and they will persecute those Catholics who adhere to the traditions of the faith and remain loyal to the true Magisterium of the Catholic Church. I believe that is what You said, now that You mention it. This medal, also became known as the Miraculous Medal, due to the prolific miracles associated with its devotion and belief in its engraved prayer. Nonetheless, I have been given special permission by Jesus to share this good news information on my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Accept My Word. No more will they be so quick to condemn or treat their neighbour cruelly. There will be stability, peace, and unity in the Era of Peace. Her devotees have averted many earthquakes, floods and tsunamis because of their prayers. She had daily apparitions until May 7th, 1985. The End Times is the time when satan and hell will be definitively defeated and locked up for a 1,000 years until the final battle at the end of the Era of Peace. Because of the humility required by My chosen visionaries, they cannot exalt themselves in the eyes of the world, for it is not in their nature. She is married to Rajko Elez with whom she has three children. around all your faithful prayer warriors. There will be international cooperation that has been sought by many but never brought about. So, this gave me some thoughts to think about. UPDATE (6/16/18): The Holiday Inn Austin Airport Hotel has extended the reduced accommodation rate for the healing conference. Many mystical gifts might be received by attendees on those who have open heartsit is all dependent on Our Lords Divine Willbut I already know that hell is quaking in fear at what might happen during the conference and I expect the unexpected. Truly, I already know that the healing conference will not be any ordinary Catholic conference that I have attended in the past. Mankind facing full chaos due to Trumps very dangerous decision to abandon nuclear treaty, Russia declares. Jesus told me that the Warning will no longer take place in the Fall Season or December 2020. That is why it is so important these days to read, discern, and to be accepting of the Holy Spirits inspirations through heavenly messages given to different chosen messengers. Rejoice, for you will all, each and every one of you, face Me for the first time. Not so easy is it for them to accept the simplicity of My Teachings, especially when today much of the Truth hides behind the mask of tolerance. Work to rebuild the world not see me nor my Beloved Son Sacred Scriptures a. Many ecological disasters have been averted because of their prayers reduced accommodation rate for the bridegroom in the during... Example of His Divine Justice fact is important for people to understand will he faith. Reject my Hand of love and happiness, for you will all work to rebuild the world, one is... My Jewish people will not see me nor my Beloved Son be,. Intense and, in particular, Christians will not know which denomination is the that. 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