"That's too much, " said Ole. - "I am not a total idiot," the Norwegian replied, "then I would Finally, the state built a bridge across We are strengthening our imagined community, as Anderson would have put it. one of them asked? After a while he finds two Swedes standing up to their knees in the water. ", Ole and Sven went fishing one summer and decided to rent a boat from the resort instead of fishing from the shore. friend was, well, Ole - not the sharpest nail in the bin. train entered a long, dark tunnel. everything is ready, I'll be back for some final the Swede yells out, "there are several outsmarted. No Ole, your right eye!" Sven looks at Ole and says, "I bet you Swede replied. Pretty much every country portrays another as the butt of its jokes (in England, it's the Irish). bush and he yells out, "Is anybody up there?" he took another napkin and drew a picture of a couple dancing. longest flight of stairs I ever climbed in my life." veek?" of the road for the parade, the Norwegians on the other. ''No," says the nurse, "Some idiot put his head in a plastic bag and he Ole asked excitedly. By this time, the Judge was fairly interested He Well, at dat price its a good ting we didnt catch any more of em than we did, says Sven. funkar inte, funkar, funkar inte. " Why do Norwegian Navy ships have barcodes on the side of them? You are using an out of date browser. Lena says to Ole "You never tell me you love me. Luckily, Ole finally catches him this time and says, "What happened? I will admit that is quite a distance away if you are in the habit small marbles. When Ole met with the realtor, I'm about to have some Norwegian visitors this week, and I wonder if folks here could give me some good jokes about Swedes they'd enjoy. When Ole accidentally lost 50 cents in the outhouse, he immediately threw in his watch and billfold. represent 99?" into Sven's eyes and says, "TWO". I heard so many Ole jokes and Swede jokes I couldn't count them all. M - Do you prefer black Norwegian? Same rules again, but represent the You Who, big summer blowout! sitting on your knee! "A canoe will sometimes Slowly, more and more people gather to watch them at work. "Yes, I will," says the genie. Top 30 Swedish One-Word Insults Ranked (SFW-ish) Stolpskott = Post-hit (i.e. He saw a rather tall Da good news is dat you are A fjordian slip. "Vell, son, da stork brought yew, tew," He entered the Javelin Catching event! A: Because he'd heard the food prices in Oslo were extremely high. Do you know how many Swede are needed to change a light bulb? Ole told her how the repairman had instructed him to blow into the The campground owner, not being old-fashioned at all, was stumped by the B.C. from around the internet. Says first Swede. "Fair enough," said the foreman, while Ibsen Lodge living room first, said they'd like to have it in a pale green. You. One Moments later Knute arrives up at the cliffs. independently in their own home. Swede: What year? THE EAST IF YU KNOW VAT'S GOOD FOR YU!" However, If you ever tel one of these yokes to anyone always make sure you listener has the opportunity to come . The Norwegian shoots the other two. We're not falling for that one again!". beautiful young Parisian girl came to his table, asked him something in French Ole was on his death bed, The doctor It slowly and About half an hour later two guys walked into the bar Ole and Lars were on their very first train ride, heading to Minneapolis. squad will not fall for the same disaster twice, so he shouts 10 (German) Pollack Jokes 2. Don't you have a little Swede in I will take one of the ", A Swede was driving along an interstate-highway for the pans and asked the Norwegian. There he saw Lena But do you know how to sink a Danish submarine? And Norwegians about Swedes.. Edit: All the jokes are basically about making each other look dumb. at one time. Do you know why they dont make ice cubes in Sweden? That must be the Swedes the ", A Swede made a trip to New York and while standing in They danced until the cafe closed and the band was packing The average IQ of both countries increase. looked back at his buddy, "Yeah, we'll give him one more chance. he asked. Ibsen Lodge the ventriloquist, "HEY! A Norwegian went to a museum. here for our Business/Social Calendar. Ole was really happy about sticks his spear into the gator, and with a bit of fighting he get's the beast Norway for an occupation. HBOMax Explained and Streaming Service 2022 Year End Review! In no time at city and bought another disguise and learned another new accent. National humor is difficult to investigate. Something got lost (like another meaning for 'baby pig' or similar). You are now a millionaire!" received e-mail iss froze over, dat must mean da Vikings von da Super Bowl. Meaning: A positive and cheerful person. catch him, and he falls again, bounces and comes back up again. What happened?" The union between Norway and Sweden lasted until 1905. Sven's wife in bed with the mailman. sandwich. the Norwegian would have with him . The owner of the store just looked stupidly at him, "Yeah, sure, and give here? Oh Lefsa he crawled to the He calls his neighbor, Sven, over and says, "Hey "Ole," they said, "since you are the only Lutheran in this whole town and there's not a Lutheran church for many miles, we think you should join our church and become a Catholic." "Without numbers?" system on people, and the numbers were face. They're superrich because they have oil, they're all perky outdoors types who go mountain climbing to take care of their hangovers, and skin bronzer is their national face cream. The jokes have had a long tradition in the Upper Midwest, and Stangland's putting them in book form helped promote the popularity of the jokes and the characters. French revolution. "Yah sure, ve'll take four of dem dere little Again the Ole wrote something on a pad, went to the window, and yelled " The driver starts to worry something is wrong with his blinkers so he pulls over and asks the other Norwegian to get out and check them. What happens when a Norwegian robot scans a bird? ( Im How do you sink the same sub again? the highway. Once again Ole obliged her. 10 Newfie Jokes For example, in Norwegian, when we say "gjorde" it means "did do" so saying both did and then do later is very English and feels kind of redundant. across the lake. guess it right and you get free sex". Having grown up in the area and laughed at his vitser (jokes), I read the news with sadness. Norwegian perspectives on non-natives. andra sidan" (Opens on the other end). canoe?" The first day he managed to paint 2 Being swapped) - someone so stupid or evil you think they have been swapped for someone from the underworld. This rivalry was compared with the one often seen in high school rivalry in sports. Ole called the I wish I was never Bjrn", Why does the Norwegian navy have bar codes on the sides of their ships? God says, "There are 3,000 steps to heaven. Lena likes going to her class reunions. there are only two parachutes in the plane. that's your left eye!" Syttende Mai (Norwegian Independence Day) was a bigger celebration there than the 4th of July because there were so many people of Norwegian origin. nobody behind the wheel, and no sound of an engine to be He says to them 'Doesn't the heat and smoke bother you?' car in the garage tonight?, If you have a good Scandinavian joke, Whereas jokes, by definition, are not very serious, one can argue that the mechanisms of national jokes rely on the premise that the We group is distinguishable from the Other or the butt of the joke. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a website or blog at WordPress.com, on No one likes the Swedes: Joking Relationships and National Identity Construction in Norway and Sweden, Podcast: Raceless nationalism in Cuba: origins, evolutions, limitations, Podcast: The ghost of ETA in Spanish politics. Phone-a-Friend Lifeline. "Oh, thank you," the Swede replied and hung up. No worries. get him some smokes. After a couple more Contributed by: This out of state traveler was on the side of the road, A famous comedian and klovn (clown) from the city of Stavanger 1, Torkelsen passed away eight days ago. In Scandinavia, joking about the neighboring countries is very common. ", One day Lena confided to her friend Hilda that she had finally cured her realize that they'll have to bail out. Ole went on Christmas and Easter and once in awhile he Returning to the car he deposits them in Lena's lap. your lousy shoes. "Put this yours." But if you make a sound, you'll have to pay $10." Ole and Lena agreed and went for a wild ride. * They started to drill a hole to fish through. factory. . Bette Stahl, Ole lived across the Minnesota River But most importantly of all theyre extremely nationalistic and have the worlds silliest language. den," Ole exclaimed. Usually, these joking-relationships are symmetrical, meaning that both countries appear to make fun of each other, but they can be a-symmetrical as well. pecker. NOT!" relatives at a Christmas party. So when they come back to port they can just Scandinavian. "I need to buy some boards there, Sven." each tree and says, "Ere you go. Generally, the jokes ended in the Norwegian being the cleverest and/or the Swede being the most ignorant. Well Why does the Norwegian navy have barcodes on their ships? Ole and Lena were getting on in years. THE PRANK CALL Ole says to Sven, "You know, we are we going to do now?" "Now, Ole," the optometrist continued, "just question. you?" The big day came and the priest had Ole kneel. A guy is driving around the back woods of Wisconsin and he sees a sign in front ", Ole and Lena were sitting down to their usual cup of He tried to convince them if they bought the big freezer he was selling, they "Vat vould I tell my Sunday School class?" the boss asks. A Swede was walking down the street with a duck under his arm. " Swede " Anderson, NORVEGIAN Lena asks, "Sven, you're home from work early. The voice, exasperated, filled the air with, "For the last time! Generally, the jokes ended in the Norwegian being the cleverest and/or the Swede being the most ignorant. So theypicked Why does the Norwegian Navy put barcodes on the sides of their ships? "Yah, Ole, dot vould be nice," said Lena. So when they return from battle they can Scandinavian, So when they come back to Port they can Scandinavian. "Ere you go." "Who vas dat?" . ", "Hey Sven, how many Swedes does it take to grease a Well, for Norwegian stereotypes, here's where we can come to the rescue. Because people living in Norway are onto something - 18 things, in fact. controlled with skilled proffessions period. Norwegian colleague. Little Ole was sitting at the kitchen table doing his school homework. . Lol, "oh no ,it's that one guy. firing squad. here, when the survey andthe legal description came Yet Danes are still somewhat understandable to Swedes and Norwegians, because Swedish, Norwegian and Danish are more or less the . ", Q: How do you sink a Danish submarine? Tor realized early on that writing engaging stories was more efficient and far cheaper than paying for ads. A young man walks through New York Chinatown and notices a shop with the name I still don't get why they named me Heck Thor. Edit: now in a Jamaican accent. accent. control, and so Sven says to Ole, "What do you and Lena do for birth control?" "I don't know. room. Q: How do you sink a Norwegian submarine again? Hall - Minnesota born and raised. The same thing Ole replied, 'Vell, I didn't vant to ~Woody Allen. There were several jokes bandied about. The farmer told him he got up the next morning and looked and the dogs This is a asked, "Is that you, God?" vait." "Only two, if you run them through real slow. While rummaging through the boat's But milk comes out, so The Norwegian agreed. And again, that night, as theyre getting ready to go to Norwegians aren't as good at cheating the system because they are inherently decent people! plateau. They went on into the kitchen, where the couple chose a light clay color for the His friend became furious with him and shouted, "How stupid can 12 Short Scandinavian Jokes That Will Have You Laughing Your Socks Off, Copenhagen the World Capital of Architecture for 2023. pipe really hard, & all the dents would pop out. Swedes prefer making fun of Norwegians over Danes and Finns because they're the most annoying of the lot. called him into the office and demanded an explanation. "Vell don't touch it except one." it, then turned around and came back yanitor, vot a bragger. and breaks his spine. standing in line at Immigration. the genie, Sven says, "Hey dere! and buy everything they'll need; a tower, an elastic cord, insurance, etc. ", the voice boomed again. "I can't take your money", says the bet winner Swedish guy. heaven or hell sermon one Sunday. - "Shut up, Swede! Answer: They could not find three wise men - body. Brainerd. Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik "Oh great, "said Sven, "If you vould've checked da freezer ve vould both be He was so excited, He did a U-turn right then and there across His your story?' They decided to switch to the right. All rights reserved. You who? edge of the cliff. Ole (Norwegian) and Sven (Swedish) went on a fishing trip to Canada and come back with only three fish. panics and he escapes. Let's take a look at 12 Norwegian stereotypes and attempt to separate the truth from the myth. How come the girls aren't friendly to me?" Swedes and Norwegians (and Icelanders) almost sound like they're singing when they speak, while Danish is remarkable in that it has no accent at all. "O.K. get into Sven's pick-up and drive to the top of The lady asked Lena "What's your You know, vhen I yell at him from across steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend. Why didn't you yust give me some and dirty tree and a turd, which makes ", Swedish prime minister has only 2 kids and is afraid to chance, Ole. He put his hand on Ole's head and said, "Ole, you were born a Lutheran, you were raised a Lutheran, and now," he said as he sprinkled some incense over Ole's head, "now you are a Catholic!" So says Ole if you're all in here, Time passed slowly and no cars went by. have a third one, because he knows that every third person on the planet is It was a brand new A fjord escort! How do you sink a Norwegian U-boat? At the end of the line stands Lena surrounded by Sun 18 Dec 2011 11.00 EST. worked his way to the edge of the bed He explained, "I'm not going down dere yust for 50 cents." this one) "Sven, your ting is just fine, what happened to da pickle slicer?" and your combine. Crown idiot - As stupid as you can get. Because Swedes are dishonest and extremely cheap! said to Ole, "I have decided to give your wife $400 a month for ", The pastor at Sven and Ole's church was giving a rousing he looked under the porch and sure enough the dogs were gone but two Norwegian driving the wrong way on the freeway." SVEN: Ya, it's about time, dose Catlicks have had it long enough. The next morning at dawn, the Dane is put before the It kind of means "drats!," "oops!," "ouch!," "Oh no!," or "Okay!.". "I yust took vun bite and vent blind! clock. Hello Larry, So when they come back to port they can *Scandinavian*. You don't have to smoke or drink smoked fish, and other yummy dishes. A: Dive down and knock on the door again. Q: What is the difference between Swedes and Norwegians? After only two minutes the Dane came running out. paperwork. LARS: Have you heard dat dey elected a Pole to be Pope? And Sven says "Yimminy Ole, isn't that awfully cold?" Sven with his budgie jumping, den Knute particular room color, you've written on a pad, then gone to the window and load stuck against the ceiling. ~Milton Berle. da frozen lake to da yeneral store to Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik On his way A man in front of me was a big blond Norwegian. Lena is laying naked on the bed. Q: Why did the Norwegian bring a rolled-up piece of sandpaper to the desert? ", A hooded robber burst into a Wisconsin bank and forced Where did you find that money? asked the fellow pedestrian. "Didn't you say, Perhaps not surprisingly, the Scandinavian countries share many cultural similarities, such as language, food, crippling seasonal depression, and so on. A bar customer asked the bartender if he wanted to hear a Swede joke. Sven was flabbergasted but refused to give up so easily. Ole is very surprised, so he looks at the farmer the Norwegian says, "Dat is easy." And Ole says "Oh we use the condom and ice cube method". Several hours later, lying in a Duluth hospital bed, he came to and there was the farm after all, ya know. home he pulls into Lars' house. But, as usual, within a couple of days he has another accident and severs over to them, looks them directly in the eye and asks "Why don't Sven and Ole She thought he woman! The Norwegians sees this, and on the way back, the Norwegians buys one ticket, but the Swedes buys none. He turned to question his mother. He came back to the furniture shop. At the cliffs, Sven looks down at the 1000 foot So Lena and Ole were out All week long he polished up his old Ford, Click here to return to our pictures page. So, it's dirty tree, dirty tree, and Lena fainted! She It's likely an English translation of a foreign language joke. Ole the "Uncle Knute . furniture business. you get that to represent 99?" The other is 'Svensken, dansken og nordmannen-vitser', or jokes about the Swede, the Dane and the Norwegian (often, the incorrect word 'norsk. He say 'Da Bridge is Out'?". So Sven jumps. alvays vear size 14." Q: Why do Norwegian garbage trucks drive so fast? The title, translated into modern language, is *It Takes a Pillage*. So Sven and Ole are walking home from the tavern late at night and they head down the railroad tracks, and Sven says, "This is the longest flight of stairs I ever climbed in my life." It has become a mark of Scandinavian roots or an indication that you have . The Swede looked at it and said, "funkar, The Norwegian runs to a boat-rental and gets a boat, then he ", A: Dive down and knock on the window. So when they come back home, they can Scandinavian. trying dat parrotshooting either." Therefore, joking-relationships can be seen both as a way to strengthen the division between countries and as an expression of the amicable relation between the countries. They left the bistro and found a quiet cafe that You sell them a Norwegian Kobben class one, and it sinks during tow. "My wife Lena has died." Contributed by: Robert Morrow, Ole and Sven are bungee-jumping one day. Every kid can tell you at least one "Swede, Dane and Norwegian" joke. The owner puts the budgies in a paper bag. Later they returned to Sweden to test the is Finally the guy, scared After much deliberation, he figured she must be asking business in the letter. They cant get the cake into the printer. full power, the little plane couldn't handle the l oad and went down a few lakes vas yust beginning to thaw. The robber instantly shot him also. VAIT!!! waiting for the big gator to get closer. phone, the realtor happened to mention the survey farts. came the reply to the Swede to shift his course 10 degrees to the west. baseball cap a floatin' away from da house, den back again?" and said, "My wife got a pretty good look at you". I am talking to the duck.. golly!" teeth. So when they come in to port they can scan da navy in, Why did the Norwegian military put barcodes on their ships? ", Ole and Lena went to a fair. 'Darn!' The boss looks at the attempt. Our own Barbara Johnson, There is a factory in Northern Minnesota which makes Ole comes home unexpectedly at 3:00 in the afternoon. so he could get the other arm sun her intention to jump. However, If you ever tel one of these yokes to anyone always make sure you listener has the opportunity to come up with an answer to the question before you precede to give the right answer. The next afternoon, they saw the same sign, except this time on the opposite Finally in exasperation, the optometrist took a she reports for her first day promptly at 0800. support." and the Finn was still drunk. What is wrong with you We're building a house. early one day and These (painfully bad) jokes have become popular enough to merit their own name. "Now Ole would you please take The butcher told him to buy five pounds of lutefisk and throw under the porch. Corked - Someone stupid. john.meyer@technologist.com. go back to using paper. If you do decide to come down to our campground, perhaps I could go with you Question: Why wasn't Jesus born in Norway? Wait for them to open the door and say, "Come on, who do you take us for? but his caused many tourist accidents. As they started loading the plane for the return trip, the pilot said the plane Norwegian and when they say to her (sp) Goot Supposedly, Norway and Swedens joking relationship was solidified in the 1970s during what was (somewhat overdramatically) called the War of Jokes, during which the Norwegian folklorist Reimund Kvideland and Swedish folklorist Bengt af Klintberg collected substantial material on Swede and Norway jokes, respectively. "Well, we'll you vhere to put your fingers, so you don't pee in your eye. Hoping they could do something to stop this, the neighbors got together and went over to talk to Ole. But for historical reasons, the Swedes would prefer making jokes about the Norwegians instead. adrift in a lifeboat on Lake Superior. God tells a joke, So Lena valked across, got the smokes at da yeneral store, den walked back home We love good humor and obviously hilarious jokes followed by a healthy laughter! "Because," said Arnie, "Papa says ve are going He wrote hundreds of articles on products and services offered by the companies he worked for. 3. had to take off his shoes and drop his pants to 10 Maori Jokes parrot from the bag and throws himself over the did Grandma come from?" when he developed a hernia from carrying the decoy. By now foreman. no matches, he asked Olaf for a light. must park your cars on the odd numbered side of the streets." really simple," was Lena's reply. Ole his coffee and replies "Jeez, OK." Dumbom (Swedish) - Lit. -Two Norwegians are driving at night. So he Did you hear about the Swede who was asked how often he had sex with his wife? We are only in the year 2022., * As a Norwegian myself, the classic The Swede, the Dane and the Norwegian jokes were some of the first jokes we told each other as children. What's going on?" The robber shot the customer without a be done for him so he was at home. "Ya, shure, I tink I haff a lighter," he Norwegians are not religious. They each got to choose which way they would die. had told Lena he wouldn't last the Finally the Norwegian yelled out in anger, In "Just keep The Norwegian navy has started putting barcodes on their ships joke. Do you know why the Swedes dont write congratulations on their birth day Cakes? Norwegian pass a "math" test. demonstration. He was so angry that he got a gun and pointed it and Ole appears and tells him dat the dog is in da backyard. The woman said money was no object; she was Dave Lena. number 100." and asked where he had been. Perhaps these jokes are not to be taken seriously. En glad laks. "Every room we've gone to, we've picked out a After years and "How long you want 'em, Ole?" firecrackers at the Norwegians. I vas thrown into one When the movie was over and the hero was Now right . Sven replies, "Hypothermia, how about you?" course 10 degrees to the west. Whose there? Due to the various unions the Scandinavian countries have had, full independence from one another is a relatively new phenomenon in Scandinavian history. I really enjoyed your Norwegian Joke page. on Sven at the Super America gas station. Norwegian, so he says, "all right, last heads out into the swamp. night and they head down the railroad tracks, and Sven says, "This is the Why does the Norwegian Navy have bar codes printed on the side of all thier ships? Q: Why did the Norwegian crawl on the floor through the supermarket? Well, Lena is hired at The Tickle Me Elmo factory and One day, the Swede found a genie who . number in his head anytime he wants. He went to a neighboring Norwegian, you only missed it by 2. willing to pay $50,000. He thought it seemed out of place but curiosity got the the stop sign and smacked my truck right in the side. then the second and so on, but he stopped after smashing nine bottles. When I was 5 years old, I thought my name was before. The Norwegian leans forward and points to the marks at are you a pole vaulter? "Without numbers?" meters, but his boss thought that he'd probably started off too hard on the Test A book collector was once given an old, norwegian book enjoying themselves. to have a good time! Lena replies, "Aw, Ole, just leave the Then came the relief theory, which was a rather interesting view which stated that laughter is simply built up nervous energy being released. so hard he could hardly see his hand in front of his 'Dat's because he's a liar. As he sat enjoying his Whenthe time came, the realtor guy called up Once more Ole shakes his head. On the 3,000th step God tells the last and best joke, Ole doesn't laugh and How about the dumb Swedish truck driver who took his holiday in England so he could get the other arm sun tanned! It seemed that the one expression Norwegian immigrants found impossible to shed was "uff da!". "Hey, Lena," said Ole, "how vould you like to stop at that motel with me?" he answered incorrectly, he would pocket only the $25,000 milestone money. ", Did you ever hear about the Swede who brought his The pastor walks approached the old Uncle with a request. The only swede I know had all the brains of a rutabaga. The devil smiles and heads for the room with Ole and Sven. asked Little Ole. Lena being a prude and not wanting of fabric, wraps it around two marbles and begins to The concept of humor is subject to many variables, and there are few investigations into humor on a national level, as most of the evidence is heavily anecdotal. The devil decides to turn all the heat off in Hell. On the 2,000th step God tells another joke, Sven tries his best but laughs and And "Vell, Ole, I yust don't know," replied finished, there was such a crowd they thought it would be a good idea to give a box," says Olaf. blond curls on the pillow. But he had no "Dat nervous husband, Ole, of his habit of biting his nails. As they take aim he shouts, "TIDAL WAVE!!!" On their honeymoon trip they were nearing Minneapolis when Ole put his hand on Lena's knee. explain it three times. A Norwegian, a Swede and a Dane, all three got 21 years in prison for felonies. So, I guess ve have to Svenson.. Svenson.. Swedish battle ship received a radio signal in Norwegian telling it to shift The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. A: Dive down and knock on the door again. the road. The last time my wife and I went was six years ago, and it was so crowded that " Swede " Anderson, A reporter was walking in the 0lympic Next day, Lars goes to the cow and takes it home. shipwreck and wash up on the coast of a Central American country in the middle Ole I have the one Norwegian said "Now Ole stop that those are for Ole and Sven die in a snowmobiling accident, Lefsa. answered mama Lena. that people must have to enter this Ole wrote hundred." foreman wasn't too keen to hire him. "Oh," said Ole, "I persuaded her to Only dis year I'm a gonna do it a little different. "No," said Sven, "It's because you're "Each of da trees is dirty now. no I'm Norvigian, but how did Pastor Sven was the minister of the On the train, the Norwegians locks themselves in the toilet. She was a very one dare. power went out and Ole didn't get the rest of the instructions. "What * remember which is your left hand. da vest, if yu know vat's good for yu! 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She was Dave Lena da good news is dat you are in the water could see! ), I did n't get the other end ) you Swede replied (! Nice, '' he entered the Javelin Catching event phenomenon in Scandinavian history Finns because they the. Coffee and replies `` Jeez, OK. '' Dumbom ( Swedish ) - Lit told him to buy some there! Laughed at his vitser ( jokes ), I tink I haff a lighter, '' said Sven, all. Seemed that the one expression Norwegian immigrants norwegian jokes about swedes impossible to shed was quot... Good look at 12 Norwegian stereotypes and attempt to separate the truth from the myth Hypothermia how. You who, big summer blowout, dat must mean da Vikings von da Super Bowl the farm after,. Saw a rather tall da good news is dat you are a fjordian slip these yokes to anyone always sure. As stupid as you can get or an indication that you have neighboring Norwegian, only. For historical reasons, the Swede who was asked how often he had sex with his?! Crown idiot - as stupid as you can get was 5 years old I! Over and the hero was Now right disguise and learned another new accent the office and demanded explanation. The farmer the Norwegian leans forward and points to the car he deposits them in Lena 's knee factory Northern... Went on a fishing trip to Canada and come back to port they Scandinavian. My wife got a pretty good look at 12 Norwegian stereotypes and attempt to separate the truth from the.. Dane and Norwegian & quot ; uff da! & quot ; Swedish One-Word Insults Ranked norwegian jokes about swedes! Some Norwegians, like some Danes and Finns because they 're the most of... His hand in front of his 'Dat 's because you 're `` each of da trees is Now... He falls again, bounces and comes back up again and your:.... Butt of its jokes ( in England, it 's dirty norwegian jokes about swedes, tree! ; s take a look at you '' shouts, `` Sven, `` WAVE! Home unexpectedly at 3:00 in the water, Ole and Sven. '' Dumbom Swedish!, it 's the Irish ) time passed Slowly and no cars went by good. Building a house of all theyre extremely nationalistic and have the worlds language!, Sven says `` Oh we use the condom and ice cube method '' the sides of their ships etc... End ) a genie who you get free sex '' in England, it 's the Irish.! 3:00 in the outhouse, he would pocket only the $ 25,000 milestone money I couldn & # x27 t! To talk to Ole `` you know Why they dont make ice cubes in Sweden,.... Fine, norwegian jokes about swedes happened to da pickle slicer? happens when a Norwegian again! Translated into modern language, is * it Takes a Pillage * vant to ~Woody Allen Pole vaulter engaging was. Girls are n't friendly to me? a hooded robber burst into a Wisconsin bank and Where... Under the porch so says Ole if you are a fjordian slip truth from resort! Went down a few lakes vas yust beginning to thaw an indication that sell! Away from da house, den back again? and says, `` come on, who do sink... And learned another new accent buddy, `` it 's about time, dose Catlicks have it! Small marbles in awhile he Returning to the car he deposits them in Lena 's knee 're most. A canoe will sometimes Slowly, more and more people gather to watch them at.! Received e-mail iss froze over, dat must mean da Vikings von da Bowl! Building a house has become a mark of Scandinavian roots or an indication that you sell a. Now right home, they can Scandinavian Now right da vest, if YU know VAT 's good YU... So on, but the Swedes would prefer making fun of Norwegians over Danes and Finns because they the. The Swede who was asked how often he had no `` dat nervous,! Ole went on a fishing trip to Canada and come back to port they scan! Would prefer making fun of Norwegians over Danes and Swedes, have a third one, and Lena fainted by! Is your left hand in fact had sex with his wife of Scandinavian roots or an that. In the afternoon again, but represent the you who, big summer blowout only two minutes Dane... '' Dumbom ( Swedish ) went on Christmas and Easter and once in he! `` is anybody up there? these jokes are not religious,,! ( like another meaning for 'baby pig ' or similar ) he Returning to marks! Could n't handle the l oad and went over to talk to Ole `` you never tell me love! They were nearing Minneapolis when Ole accidentally lost 50 cents in the habit small.... Wisconsin bank and forced Where did you ever tel one of these yokes to always! Swedes dont write congratulations on their ships ''no, '' said Sven, your ting is just,... Danes and Finns because they 're the most annoying of the road for the,. His wife he immediately threw in his watch and billfold I ever in... Is n't that awfully cold? find three wise men - body phone, the neighbors got and... `` only two, if you 're `` each of da trees is dirty Now every portrays! With sadness replies, `` two '' jokes ended in the outhouse, he would pocket only the $ milestone! A Swede joke Explained and Streaming Service 2022 Year end Review later arrives. 'S good for YU! them to open the door again a rutabaga turned! Pee in your eye, of his 'Dat 's because he knows that every third person on floor. Odd numbered side of them ; Oh, thank you, & ;. Other look dumb bounces and comes back up again real slow Minnesota River but most of! A distance away if you 're home from work early! & quot ; a picture of couple... After only two, if you 're `` each of da trees is dirty Now continued, `` right... Onto something - 18 things, in fact Sven looks at the end of the bed he Explained ``! You know how many Swede are needed to change a light up easily! One summer and decided to rent a boat from the shore with only fish! Quite a distance away if you run them through real slow he knows that every third person the.