Put the horsetail paste into some warm water and mix it around. A medicine cat may only retire when their apprentice is ready to take their place. It causes vomiting, diarrhea, and change in urine color, Deadly nightshade-One of the most toxic herbs, it can even kill a full grown Twoleg. 1. Launch the game and click the Play button. Cobwebs, a sticky web used to cover wounds to stop bleeding? 2. The harsher the symptoms are, the less of a chance that the cat will recover with full vision. . If blood vessels are damaged, the arm and paw will feel cold and turn a bluish color. : Scratch up some chamomile into small pieces. The pain from a dislocated shoulder is very intense, and a normal amount of poppy seeds wont do much, but it is recommended to feed them some to take the edge off and so they relax. Also useful for kitting. This article was not written by any currently active member on the wiki and instead was written by someone on the old wiki before the article was imported here. Rub on the cats body to get rid of fleas, or put it in ones nest, Use to kill ticks and fleas found in cats pelts, Usage/To Use- The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto the fur, Location- Can be found anywhere there are mice present, Usage/To Use- Store the leaves in a dry area until the time of usage. Avaliability: OG/NP Dropped from: Longtail, ThunderClan Warrior Price: 150 A Use: Restores 200 HP to one ally. Chew on some fennel stalks to release the juice that is inside of it and put it onto a clean moss ball and dab it onto the cats eye. Certain types of viruses, bacteria, and parasites can affect how the disease is transmitted. Only use this as a last resort. Broken leg/paw poultice- First trace your tail over your patients body to check for any damage, and poke your claw onto the area. Id like to leave a quick mention that blackcough isnt a real thing. Growing commonly in all four Clan territories, often beside stumps or trees, borage is difficult to miss with its dark blue star-shaped petals. Sore throat: A condition with pain in the throat, typically caused by inflammation due to cold weather, smoke inhalation, or a cough. Some cats are even allergic to fleas. Thyme: Hot, sunny locations. Paint the honey over the poultice and put it over the desired area, with the honey facing the injury, and wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the poultice, adding some catchweed burrs to the ends of the cobweb. Medicine cats are members of a Clan who treat diseases and injuries. The poultice should make the paw pad a lot softer, and the thorn will have disappeared. Cats with damage on the surface of the iris will not regain vision. Cats typically contract this disease during leaf-fall and leaf-bare.It is fatal for elders and kits if not treated immediately. Feed them poppy seeds to help soothe the pain, and give them juniper berries or thyme if they are in shock. Mild broken bone: Trace one's tail over the patient's body to check for any damage, and poke a claw onto the damaged area. extremely faint line on pregnancy test barely visible first response. Mild stomachaches can be treated with juniper or watermint, but give them a small dose of willow leaves, just to be on the safe side, Leg dislocation- Feed your patient an appropriate amount of poppy seeds and wait for them to fall asleep. Feed to your patient, A paste is a thick, soft, moist substance, that is to be put on the body, or consumed, Paste for burns- Chew on a comfrey root until it is formed into a thick mush, almost like a pulp, but a more solid form. Weakness: A decrease in one or more muscles in the body, resulting in a lack of strength in the patient. Keep the leg elevated with sticks, if possible. [7] People can do a loaf roleplay in their respective Warrior Cats forums by sending messages to different users. If they feel pain, or if the medicine cats feel a crack, then the bone is broken. Place the three herbs on top of each other and chew on them until they have an almost paste-like texture. Catmint is mostly found in Twoleg gardens and near Twoleg nests, the large Twoleg nest at the corner of RiverClan territory, the Carrionplace, or near by the fence at the barn. Determining a fever: Put your nose to a cat's paw to check for fever. And if so, in what situations did the medicine cats have these thoughts? Pull the arm at an angle. Make sure to clear the plant of any bug infestations. Then, feed it to the patient. Fleas: Fleas are small, wingless insects that cling to furred animals to suck their blood. And dont give them warm or hot water, either. Then, grab their leg in your jaw and have another cat keep them down in place so you have more control. A medicine cat can ask for guidance from other Clan medicine cats. warrior cats: ultimate edition in Experiences; warrior cats: ultimate edition in People; warrior cats: ultimate edition in Avatar Shop; warrior cats: ultimate edition in Groups; warrior cats: ultimate edition in Creator Marketplace A medicine cat shares dreams with only StarClan. If the patient has a headache from the injury, feed them some feverfew. Knead the damp herb until the petals have turned into a fine mush. Venomous snakebite: Flush the wound thoroughly with water until the medicine cats are certain that the wound is clean. Juice: This is to be made with herb extracts and is to be drunk or drizzled on. A mild fracture is when the bone is broken in one place with no separation of the bones. Gather some cold, wet moss and apply it to the shoulder to minimize inflammation. Place the marigold poultice over the desired area, the honey facing the wound. The weakness only affects muscles that are irritated or have a compressed nerve. The legs, paws and neck are targeted the most, Nausea- This is when a cat feels exceedingly ill and an extreme urge to vomit. In young, old or weak cats, the bite can cause a coma or heart palpitations, First-degree burn/Sunburn- Mild inflammation, red skin, swelling, mild fever, peeling skin, rash, physical sensitivity, and itchiness, Second-degree burn- Red, white or splotchy skin, physical sensitivity, fever, moderate inflammation, blistering, swelling, infection, and possible scarring, Third-degree burn- Skin appears waxy or leathery, physical numbness, difficulty breathing, smoke inhalation poisoning, physical sensitivity, inflammation, blistering, swelling, infection, fever, itchiness, and highly possible scaring, Fleas- Severe itching, red spots, and swollen spots. If it is severe it can take a little over a quarter moon (1-2 weeks). Whitecough: Coughing, phlegm, breathlessness, fever, chest pain, and eye and nose mucus. Wounds: Put leaf mulch inside the large wounds. Make sure to be very gentle when taking them out so that they dont fall apart. Put a catchweed burr on top of the poultice to hold it in place. Chew it up into a thick paste, then place it into a small amount of water, and mix it around. After a day or so, the lumps may develop into a blister or a small wound, and the wounds may have pus, Dislocated shoulder- Limited movement, physical deformity, swelling, bruising, severe pain, numbness, tingling, weakness down the arm and into the paw, and possibly inflammation. If the queen is not in the Clans camp by the time she has to give birth, make sure that there are a couple of guard cats surrounding her. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition is a roleplaying game based on the New York Times best-selling series Warriors by Erin Hunter. With a thin, dark-centered stem and rich green leaves, it is able to be easily identified. Firmly grab the patient's paw and slowly, but firmly, pull on the arm. Liver cancer: Though the Clans do not have a name for this illness, nor do they know how to prevent it, it is possible for a cat to get it. There is no moss found on WindClan territory. Make sure to check up on them regularly to ensure that the wound is clean and free of infection, Venomous snakebite- Flush the wound thoroughly with water until you are certain that the wound is clean. Lick the cats fur the wrong way to help calm them down quicker, A smooth oily preparation that is to be rubbed on the skin, Sores ointment- Chew on a comfrey root and make it into almost a paste like consistency. That rounds off our full list of Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition codes, giving you all the information about the active and expired codes you can use to gain every advantage possible. All herbs, locations, usages, techniques, etc were found on the Warriors Wiki and in the official book. They are also commonly mistaken for poppy seeds, Water hemlock- The most poisonous plant in the forest, and is sometimes mistaken for parsley. The game is based on the acclaimed fantasy book series "Warriors" and is in many respects similar to Stray. (Halloween 2022 bundle only; pumpkin hunter badge), (Halloween 2022 event only; pumpkin hunter badge), (Halloween 2022 event only; enigma badge). Get a comfrey root and chew into a small poultice and apply to the wrenched claw. Fleas are highly contagious. A medicine cat may be trained in as a warriors before a medicine cat, but a medicine cat cannot become a normal warrior. Do not break the blisters, and do not apply any types of ointments to the burn as they will infect it. [60] Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it. Only allow them to eat soft prey, such as plump mice and fish. Wrap the cast with a thick layer of cobweb. It is to be noted that when there is not enough time to make a proper pulp, Catmint can also be used as a quick but slightly less efffective cure for Greencough, Heavy breathing pulp- Shred some coltsfoot, thyme, and catmint. More Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki. They are highly respected by all the Clans. By taking the dead stems off, it encourages a more compact herb and makes the herb much stronger. It can also cause heavy breathing, which will make the patient faint, or it can even be fatal. The reaction can range from mild to severe. Club 57 Wiki. We'd like to point out that blackcough is not a real thing. basically, there is a game called warrior cats: ultimate edition on roblox. Every medicine cat has a different way of analyzing their dream, so do it in a way that helps you out more easily, Record your dreams- Take notes, even a few sentences will help your analyzation, Identify how you were feeling in the dream- Suggest to yourself Was I nervous, angry, confused, etc? Lick the cat's fur the wrong way to help calm them down quicker. Ointment: A smooth, oily preparation that is to be rubbed on the skin. Form used in: eaten or chewed-up. Ideal to be collected throughout green-leaf, Treats scratches and rat bites. Medicine cats are outside Clan and Clan rivalry. Put the paste in some warm water and stir it. Is it possible that it will happen? Once it is all mixed, pour the extract onto a dock leaf and let it sit in a cool area. Make a comfrey poultice if they cant handle the itching. The severity of the injury depends on the depth of the burn. Redcough: Redcough is a highly severe chest infection and is worse than greencough. Give them an appropriate amount of poppy seeds and allow them to rest for a day. Make sure that they are in a loose pile, Only collect an herbs leaf if it is green, fresh, and is filled with its healing properties. Does have chances in turning into whitecough, and then greencough, Disease- This can be caused by eating prey that is found in Carrionplace, such as rats. Remake the same poultice every three days, and the cast must stay on at all times, which can take over a moon if it is severe enough. It is named after one of its symptoms, which is to cough up blood. Cats usually catch it during leaf-fall and leaf-bare . Rub on cats body to hide the scent of death, Location- Twoleg gardens; may also be found in sunny spots with sandy or gravelly soil, Location- Moors; also found in shady, moist areas, Location- Best found near shorelines; best collected at sun high when they are dry, Stops infections; stops bleeding; Use for inflammation of stiff joints; also used to treat flea bites, Usage/To Use- The petals or leaves are chewed into a poultice, or can be rubbed on wounds. There can only be one deputy and only one leader. Crush the marigolds until they are in very small pieces and chew them into a thick poultice. Get a comfrey root and chew it into a small poultice, then apply it to the wrenched claw. You can customize your cat with different colors and a variety of features. Broken bone: Bruising, physical deformity, limping, swelling, tenderness, dizziness, and possible blood. Anxiety/Panic attack: Anxiety can be caused by stressful conditions, uncomfortable crowds, or upsetting situations. Rub the ointment over the paw pads and wrap with cobweb. Herbs can be collected simply by looking around the map. Have another cat hold the patient down in front. Cures cough; could be used to cure wounds and extract poison; stops cats from catching greencough; soothes sore throats and wretched legs; may be used to hide a cats scent. The knot should disappear within 23 days. Feed them an appropriate amount of poppy seeds. Herbs are plants with specific healing properties that are modeled after ancient English remedies that were once believed to heal wounds. Prop the arm up with some sticks wrapped in bindweed. Gather some horsetail and chew it into a paste. Chills poultice: Tear up some lavender, catmint, and feverfew and chew it thoroughly, then patch it together to form a poultice. [4], Used for: ridding of poison (causes a cat to vomit), or to soothe cracked paw pads. Fleas: Severe itching, red spots, and swollen spots. If any herb is wet (except for bark), take it out of the den and lay it on a flat rock in a sunny area to dry. If the backache is due to being an elder, their pain may never go away and you will have to treat them whenever they feel worst. You can customize your cat with different colors and a variety of features. Headache: Have the patient drink plenty of cold water and give them some feverfew to eat. It is highly contagious. Once the leaves seem to be gooey enough, take it out and place over the desired area and wrap cobwebs around the pulp. Thanks. They should be carefully monitored for signs of malnutrition and dehydration. Have the cat return to very light duty after they have been rested, Nausea- Feed the patient some chamomile, and have them consume juniper or watermint. Do the same with the comfrey, then put them together. It can be stimulated when a cat is running, or a very rough physical activity. Gather some tansy and more yarrow, and chew them both into a poultice. Mild broken tooth: Wash the cat's mouth thoroughly to get rid of any blood or remains of the tooth that may be stuck in the gums. Ideal to collect in mid green-leaf, Produces healthier milk in greater quantity; also helps treat fevers, stomachaches, and relieves tight chests, Used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds, Time of growth- All year round. with their leader or other medicine cats at the monthly meeting; dreams of an otherwise prophetic nature should not be disclosed to any outside parties or any other cats in the Clan. Make a small marigold pulp and rub it onto the cats pelt afterward; also recommended to rub mint on their pelt or put it in their nest. The patient will most likely be in shock or at least have anxiety, so feed them some juniper and have them lay down in a flat, though comfortable, position. Honey. Feed the patient a honeycomb or paint some honey over a dock leaf and feed it to them if their throat hurts from the smoke. They grow on small, light green bushes that are smaller than most of the other foliage. Feed them some juniper and poppy seeds afterward. You will have to keep a very close eye on the cat even after you have treated them. Twist the tail and keep pressure on it until you feel a tiny click, Determining a fever- Put your nose to a cats paw to test to see if they have a fever. The cat must rest for several days. Soft roots suggest that the herb is very old and has lost its healing qualities, while hard roots suggest that said herb is not ripe enough. The victim may or may not end up having their fur grow back. Several herbs can be eaten, but none give any special effects to a cat when consumed; however, when chervil, yarrow, and dock are chewed, they leave the cat with a poultice. (Emotional) Shock: Lack of emotion, lack of empathy, denial, difficulty concentrating, confusion, irritability, mood swings, lack of communication, and panic attacks. Afterward, immediately get a ragwort and juniper poultice and slap it on the shoulder. Make sure to flush the patients eyes out thoroughly before proceeding. Once they're in small pieces, chew them until they're a fine mush, then add a small amount of water and stir. This can cause the cat's skin to become inflamed and cause itchy, watery eyes. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Location: Can be found in Twoleg gardens. After the medicine cat returns, the extract should have thickened and become more solid. A panic attack is a sudden, unexpected intense fear that causes severe physical reactions when there is no actual danger or cause. In severe cases, the tooth is completely shattered, which will leave nothing where the tooth used to be, Broken bones- This is when the bone of a certain part of the body is shattered in two or more pieces. Cracked pads: Paw pads may crack when walking long distances on hard surfaces, such as stone, or due to cold weather. The patient must rest for several days, and the medicine cat needs to keep a close eye on them. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 1 Prey (UPCOMING/UNRELEASED) 2 Codes; 3 New Cat Model; Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki. Hope this is useful!My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ES6zpx6BErInterested in checking out the . Full moon gathering- Every Clan cat knows that when a cloud covers the moon it means that something should not be done, or is a warning sign. Were once believed to heal wounds and stir it or due to cold.. Not apply any types of ointments to the burn certain that the wound thoroughly water. Honey facing the wound thoroughly with water until the petals have turned into a poultice. Knead the damp herb until the medicine cats are members of a chance that cat... Plant of any bug infestations may crack when walking long distances on hard,! Three herbs on top of each other and chew it into a poultice the leg with! 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